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Olga Iserlis是著名的女商人和上流社会的 "杰出活动组织者",她的新书提供了大量的灵感、想法和轶事,这些灵感、想法和轶事都来自她自己的经历。
这本书共有208页,分为三个部分(时尚与风格、礼仪与礼节、历史与传统),读者将被邀请进入Olga的优雅世界 - 这是她从大量的观察、笔记和与自己的对话中收集到的关于她认为有趣和重要的想法的个人思考的画廊。除了这些,还有一些有趣的历史事实,并附有周到的来源书目、幽默的轶事和词义分析。
"与你分享这些想法是我的激情所在,我希望你喜欢阅读这些想法,就像我喜欢分享它们一样。更重要的是,我希望你在其中加入自己的想法 - 这就是为什么也有空白页的原因,"Olga在她的开篇写道。
“It is my passion to share these thoughts with you, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy sharing them. More so, I hope you add your own to them – that’s why there are blank pages, too,” Olga writes in her opening note.
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By combining traditional techniques with fresh perspectives, we open up a world of opportunities for new interpretations of classic products. Some of our best works were created when two or more creative talents from different fields of expertise join forces to develop a unique product.