Love, Mum — 2023

About motherswork
Love, Mum
Sale priceS$68.00
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"Love, Mum” is a letter kit created by two mothers (Bynd Artisan’s Winnie Chan and Motherswork’s Sharon Wong) for other mothers to impart their wisdom and reflections on what matters most in this beautiful journey called Life. “Love, Mum” makes for a meaningful, thoughtful gift for both mother and child, a priceless keepsake to last a lifetime.
This beautiful set of 21 themed letters invite mums to give herself the gift of quiet moments to think about what she’d like to tell her child by her own hand about love, gratitude, success, failure, honesty, bad days, regrets, kindness and courage, et cetera. There’s power in these written words which will go on to serve as a guiding light for the little one as they grow up and learn to navigate their life and live it well.
Each letter comes with a heartfelt, inspiring quote and its own envelope.
motherswork is a leading premium retailer of mother, baby, and kids products in Singapore and China. motherswork is not just a retail store, but a Curator of information and resource and a provider of convenience and service to mothers who want the very best for their kids.
Founded by Sharon Wong, on the principle that we live in a mom eccentric world. Established in Singapore in 1998, motherswork was created to partner mothers as they journey through parenthood; from the precious moments of discovering their pregnancies and holding their babies for the first time to seeing their children off to school, and all the little adventures in between.
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