Some Superheroes Don’t Wear Capes — Dennis Cheok

This Father’s Day, we seek to create a community of Dads to celebrate fatherhood.
To kickstart, we invited 3 dads to share with us their journey of being a Dad. For our last entry, we have
Dennis Cheok, Founder & Creative Director of UPSTAIRS_.

Dennis Cheok
Founder & Creative Director of UPSTAIRS_
What does fatherhood mean to you?
Learning. Lots of learning.
Learning to be patient, learning to place myself second, learning and re-learning about everything that I know and then some, and then trying to see and understand it through a child’s eyes.
It challenges what i think i know, and fills me so profoundly; and in a way that utterly surprises me, all the time.
What is your favourite moment with your child?
Trevi loves holiday time, mostly because we get to spend undistracted and uninterrupted time with her, every single waking moment.
For me, any moment that I get to spend with her and be present is gold.
Just to speak with her, share all and any thoughts with her, and see her grow into her own person; with her own point of view about the world around us.
She gives me the wisest advice too, all 8.5 years of her. Much more so than many adults around me, I have to admit.
How is your ideal Father’s Day like?
I don’t enjoy being fussed about indulgently, it gets a little uncomfortable when I see loved ones being too deliberate, sometimes beyond their means.
So it’s just a simple day, just to be with family, wherever we may be, and to be surrounded by the comfort of familiarity and silliness and laughter. And perhaps gifted one of Trevi’s hand-drawn storybooks or jokebooks. She makes them often, and I collect them in a pile, close to me.
Learning. Lots of learning.
Learning to be patient, learning to place myself second, learning and re-learning about everything that I know and then some, and then trying to see and understand it through a child’s eyes.
It challenges what i think i know, and fills me so profoundly; and in a way that utterly surprises me, all the time.
What is your favourite moment with your child?
Trevi loves holiday time, mostly because we get to spend undistracted and uninterrupted time with her, every single waking moment.
For me, any moment that I get to spend with her and be present is gold.
Just to speak with her, share all and any thoughts with her, and see her grow into her own person; with her own point of view about the world around us.
She gives me the wisest advice too, all 8.5 years of her. Much more so than many adults around me, I have to admit.
How is your ideal Father’s Day like?
I don’t enjoy being fussed about indulgently, it gets a little uncomfortable when I see loved ones being too deliberate, sometimes beyond their means.
So it’s just a simple day, just to be with family, wherever we may be, and to be surrounded by the comfort of familiarity and silliness and laughter. And perhaps gifted one of Trevi’s hand-drawn storybooks or jokebooks. She makes them often, and I collect them in a pile, close to me.
We would like to thank Mervin, Peng and Dennis for sharing with us their personal stories that are so close to the heart. The Bynd Artisan Team wishes all a Happy Father’s Day!